How to Know Your Life’s Purpose

Most people won’t like the answer, but I don’t make the rules.

Christ & the City
7 min readJun 13, 2022

This post is not for everyone reading it. You need to believe in God.

You must also trust that the Bible is 100% true. It’s either totally true or it’s not. Jesus is who he says he is, or he is actually the opposite.

If you don’t believe in God or trust that the Bible is true, this post is not for you and nothing prescribed here will work for you. No need to comment or argue in the comments. Respectfully, just keep it moving.

To find out what your purpose is, you must ask the manufacturer who created you. Not only does he know everything about you, he already had your whole life planned in a book before you were even born.

You wrote another book of your life with your free will, which is what you’re living now. One day all the books will be opened up (including the one that says whether you’re going to Heaven or not) and each of us will give an accounting of our every word and deed, even the ones we didn’t mean or remember.

Wouldn’t it be wise to know God’s purpose and plan for your life? Considering he knows the whole picture and only wants the best for you? And that it’s highly unlikely your plans are better than his?

Defeat Pride

Humble yourself. It’s the number one God-appointed way to get God’s attention and your prayers and requests submitted successfully.

How do you do that?


Stop eating food for a set amount of time. Here are some patterns to follow.

For a three day fast — a powerful protocol in the Bible — you can also stop drinking water. But more than 72 hours without water is not advisable.

A human can fast without food for up to 40 days (yet another pattern in the Bible) before starvation starts. This woman did 40 days her first time out and has done it again, plus other fasts — she has wonderful advice to share.

40 Days is a prophetic number to deliver a nation. Only two people in the Bible have done one. It is not a suggestion that’s a normal fast.

You can start by fasting a meal at a time. You can go on a Daniel fast, which is only vegetables and fruit, no yeasted breads or meat, nothing processed.

Some doctrine says this fast should be 21 days because that’s how long it took Daniel to get his answer. But that’s not biblical in terms of a prescription; the length of the fast was dictated by obstacles in the spiritual realm preventing Daniel’s answering angel to arrive earlier.

Prepare your questions and list all the areas you need clarity from God. Besides finding out God’s will and purpose for your life, fasts done correctly give you the answers to ANY question, and are key to:

· A Turning Point

· Averting Disaster

· Forgiveness and Deliverance

· Turbo Boost Spiritual Warfare

· Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding

Why does fasting move God?

Because we are all rebellious children at heart. And just like children, we have little resistance against anything we want. But ESPECIALLY when it comes to food. We simply cannot take the pain of an empty stomach used to a certain feeding schedule. Nor can we resist the mouth boredom of not chewing on something tasty.

It’s really not that deep. God just wants you to get a hold of yourself and sacrifice the temporary pleasure of eating while he has a serious talk with you. It’s like expecting someone to put their phone down while you answer their urgent question.

Fasting is humbling yourself and not giving yourself what you want on a super basic, primal level to show God that hearing from him is more important. Simple but not easy.

When we’re not fasting, a ton of time is spent mentally and physically planning, preparing, consuming and cleaning up after eating. When we fast, we get more hours in the day to devote to hearing from God. We are still supposed to eat while fasting!

Hearing From God

God speaks primarily through his Word, the Bible, and his Holy Spirit. When these two sources are in agreement, you are hearing from God.

So you must know what the Bible says. Which is how your faith is grown. No one is expected to be born with faith or suddenly acquire it. It comes through learning about God.

You can WANT to have faith, and God will give it to you if you ask for it. But you’re supposed to help yourself by reading the Bible and listening to the Holy Spirit when he talks to you.

How to Ask God Why You Were Born

Remember God is a person and we are exactly like him in a lot of ways, because that’s how he made us.

Someone you rarely talk to and have little rapport with isn’t going to be falling all over themselves to jump at your requests. The effort you put into getting an audience with God goes a long way. Fasting is the key.

But the way you approach God is also important. Otherwise you’re fasting for no reason because it won’t work. Here are the basics:

  1. Make sure there is NO UNFORGIVENESS in your heart toward anyone. Here’s a fantastic short video that breaks down the basics of how and why you need to forgive in order for your prayer to be heard.
  2. If you’re a husband, make sure your wife is happy and you’re treating her right. Otherwise, like the above, it’s a non-starter.
  3. Don’t be embarrassed. No, you’re not imagining that people are watching you pray. They are. The earth is basically a huge TV show everyone in the universe watches. This is why God says get into a place where you KNOW you’re alone and no one can hear you, because it helps with that feeling of being watched. You are being watched. By God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, possibly Satan himself but definitely his colleagues including your familiar spirits, and whoever else is interested in the program of your life currently being played on Earth.
  4. Approach God with an attitude of gratitude. It’s very helpful to think of all the ways God has been there for you in the past and present and thank him for it. “THANK YOU” is a profound prayer in and of itself if offered in the proper spirit. God says don’t be nervous about asking, just do it with thanks.
  5. Worship God. Music is the most powerful universal language. Use anointed gospel music to help you tell God how great he is. He will be attracted to you and your prayers.
  6. Address God. Tell him who he is to you. When we get a text from an unknown number saying,“What’s up?”, we immediately ask WHO DIS? because we ALSO want to establish THEY know who they’re talking to. It’s only polite to address God by any of the names he has and to remind yourself of the relationship you have with him. Because anyone who’s not in a relationship with him when he comes back (or they die first) is getting shut out.
  7. Don’t give up after praying once. Persistence is an indication of your sincerity. God will keep us praying for lots of reasons, mainly because we need to build up our praying muscles. So just keep it up until you get your answer.
  8. Have proper etiquette when approaching God. You wouldn’t gain access into your next door neighbor’s home without their permission. Let alone the holiest place in the universe, the presence of God himself. If you met a celebrity, you wouldn’t go up and shove a picture for them to autograph in their face, or your phone to take a selfie with them. You would approach them in a submissive and worshipful way and politely ask for what you want, even if it’s just a word back from them. God is no different. YOU are no different. If some stranger came up to you and demanded, “Tell me the time of day right now,” MOST people would be like, HUH?
  9. Believe God will hear you and answer you. The combination of fasting and prayer is guaranteed for those who are believers.

How God Will Tell You Your Purpose

It will be clear as day. You will have zero question what God is saying when he gives you the answer.

Your answers will come in a way that’s most convincing to you. God knows how to deliver a message to you so you know it comes from him.

He may say it so you think your natural ear actually heard it. From inside your head, he may dictate it to you slowly enough for you to write it down. It may come out of the mouth of someone you know, especially someone who has authority over you given to them by God, such as a parent or even a teacher or boss.

The point is, when you fast and pray, God will answer your questions. And you will know God has answered you.

Please share your fasting testimonies in the comments.

God bless you!

