Why It’s So Hard To Pray

Christ & the City
2 min readJul 10, 2022

TL;DR You’re being watched. By people you can’t see.

Vittorio Reggianini “Eavesdropping”

When we DECIDE to pray, activity begins in the spiritual realm. Before we even start.

It’s at this point, Satan and his forces are looking to employ every means at their disposal to BLOCK and DISTRACT you from praying.

Ever notice how when you purpose to pray — moreso once you’ve started — your phone starts blowing up, the sleeping pets want your attention, deliveries at the door, whatever? All of it is to stop the prayers from going up.

This world is a mess. We are a mess. There’s no cure supplied by men that can solve the real issues. It takes a supernatural move of God to right things correctly.

That’s why we pray. God told us to. That’s how things change. Because PRAYER WORKS.

So who’s watching us pray?

A whole bunch of people. This is why the Bible says “Go into your closet and shut the door” and “pray in secret.”

One of the main reasons for this is so we can relax while we engage in the intimate activity of true prayer. It’s the same as locking the bathroom or bedroom door. Peace of mind.

But you’re still being watched by the following, the number of individuals varying:

God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit

Your personal angels

Whatever angels are interested in watching you pray or who have been summoned to fulfill what you’re asking for.

Satan and whoever works for him, including all your familiar spirits

And maybe more!

They are all intensely listening.

Public speaking is one of people’s most common fears. Praying is speaking publicly in the spirit.

But as intimidating as that may be, we’re not left without help. In fact, we have all the help in the world.

The Holy Spirit is our Helper. And he specifically helps us to pray because God knows we don’t know how to pray like we should.

But the Holy Spirit knows the mind of God and what’s in our hearts. So he can take our tears and non-words and turn them into effective prayer.

Push past your stage fright and pray.


But why does prayer get blocked, you ask?

Strong prayer is like setting of a nuclear bomb in the spritual war happening in and around us at all times.

This is why the enemy blocks it as much as possible.

Work yourself into the space to pray with anointed gospel music. Contemplate all God has done for you. Tell Him all the ways He answered prayers for you in the past. Tell Him how you saw Him work in other people’s lives. Think about His awesome creation. Get your faith up.


